During our physics class, we watched part of a movie "Nova". It talks about the complicated theories of the universe and how everything works, from the molecular level to black holes and parallel universes. It introduces general relativity and quantum mechanics, which can get pretty confusing at times, but I still want to know more about the topic. When they get into parallel universes, it really makes me wonder if there was another same earth somewhere out there with the same people doing the same things, just with different outcomes. And how quantum mechanics say that everything is possible - like if you tried enough times you would somehow be able to walk through a concrete wall.
The movie explained how these great scientists (Newton, Einstein, Bohr, Maxwell) worked all their life on trying to create equations to understand how things really worked. They really got into the deeper information that was used in understanding these sciences. Especially for Einstein, how he dedicated his life to trying to unify general relativity and electromagnetism. He ignored all the newly made discoveries which left him behind and continued working on what he'd started off before. It makes me marvel at how involved he was with all his work.
Also, the string theory saying that everything, literally everything (all the forces, atoms, etc) is made of tiny vibrating strings. Because these strings are so tiny, it is impossible to prove that this theory is real. Although all of this is very hard to comprehend, I think I would appreciate learning more about this more in the future than I would be before.