Thursday 5 March 2009

Brad Pitt, 43 years from now

Those of you who have heard of the movie, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, probably can imagine how difficult it must've been for the many many make-up artists and computer editing crew to build Benjamin's eighty-something year old face from Brad Pitt's. But in this TED talk, it reveals how there were no make-up artists who had the job of ensuring that Benjamin's features stayed on Brad Pitt's face throughout the entire movie, through every scene and the different lighting. The steps that the producers of this movie took to solve their problem can be related to the scientific method that we all use to find a solution to the difficulties we face in life. Their first step in this process, was admitting that they had a problem and knowing exactly what they needed to solve. (Formation of a hypothesis?) Once they knew what their problem was, they could then break it down into smaller bits and details. They gathered all the information they knew about different kinds of technology that would potentially aid them through the creation of Benjamin Button. (Background knowledge of the topic, obtaining materials) They tested one of their top choices for motion capture devices with the handling of capturing every little aspect of Brad's face so that they could then work from there and superimpose the face onto Benjamin's body. When found that the devices would not work that well, they figured out what needed to be different and used another motion capture device. (Experimenting and analyzing, going back to the hypothesis) Of course, there was no smooth sailing even when they found the right technology for this, but they managed to even out all the nicks. When everything was solved, they could finally assume that they now had whatever they needed to go on with the movie. (Conclusion)